Winter Carnival Accepting King and Queen Nominations
SARANAC LAKE – The Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Committee is currently seeking nominations from the public for the 2023 Winter Carnival king and queen.
The king and queen selection is based upon volunteerism within the community. Candidates should demonstrate a long-term and broad-based commitment to making life more livable, pleasant, and enjoyable – both for the people who live here and for those who visit. The volunteer activities can be organized or completely self-motivated. They can be as diverse as organizing a major community event or as seemingly minor as shoveling a neighbor's sidewalk. The committee is seeking people who help others independently, not people who are in professions that help or care for others.
Each nomination should be submitted separately and must include the candidate's volunteer services history. It is very important that the nominations are signed by the person submitting them. Nominations must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on January 17. Submissions should be mailed to the Winter Carnival Committee, Attention: King/Queen Nomination, P.O. Box 829, Saranac Lake, NY 12983. They can also be dropped off at the Adirondack Daily Enterprise (54 Broadway), or the Saranac Lake Area Chamber of Commerce (39 Main Street). No electronic nominations (e-mail) will be accepted. If you have questions about the nomination, please contact Cherie Racette at (518) 891-3598.
Once the nominations have been collected, all past kings and queens are invited to an assembly which will select the new king and queen from the nominations. This meeting is on January 19 at a secret location.
The nominating materials are presented to the assembly exactly as they are received from the community. There is no pre-screening or editing that could influence the outcome. The assembled kings and queens are given a period of time to review the materials and then are called upon to vote. Final selection is by secret ballot and the king and queen are announced on the first day of Winter Carnival at the royalty coronation ceremony.
The Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Committee, known as the Society for the Preservation of Saranac Lake Winter Carnival Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization of volunteers dedicated to planning, presenting, and preserving an annual mid-winter festival. This 10-day, community wide event traces its roots to a one-day Winter Carnival held in 1897 by the Pontiac Club. The Carnival honors its heritage every year by building an Ice Palace from blocks of ice harvested from Lake Flower's Pontiac Bay, where carnival events have been traditionally held for generations. For more information, visit the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival website at The 2023 Winter Carnival will take place February 3 – February 12.