Grand Marshal and Awards

Going Down in History!
Take a walk down memory lane and view the history of past grand marshals and awards.
Grand Marshal
To a long standing, community-minded individual who has contributed his or herself to the betterment of Saranac Lake or surrounding area.
2022 Jay & Stacy Annis
2021 (Covid)
2020 Tom Catillaz
2019 Melinda Little
2018 The Bevilacqua Family
2017 Barbara Rice
2016 Jimmy Law
2015 Jack LaDuke
2014 Ursula Trudeau
2013 Chris Covert
2012 Ron Keough
2011 Cathy Moore
2010 Don Duso
2009 Jerry Cavallo
2008 Tim Burpoe
2007 Gail Rogers Rice
2006 Les Parker
2005 2nd B, 108th Infantry
2004 Natalie Leduc
2003 Howard Riley
2002 Jan H. Plumadore
2001 Henry Parnass
2000 Lillian Martha Hyde
1999 Ellsworth F. Fox
1998 Karl Griebsch
1997 Bernard Brown
1996 Punker Roberston
1995 Michael Ritchie
1994 Dr. Alfred M. Decker
1993 Donald Fina
1992 David W. Petty
1991 James Rogers III
1990 John Raymond
1989 Barbara Chapin
1988 John Delahant
1987 Gould Hoyt
1986 Roger Tubby
1985 Dr. Francis B. Trudeau
Katie Morgan Fobare Service Award
To a business or organization who has gone above and beyond helping Saranac Lake Winter Carnival.
2022 Downhill Grill
2021 (Covid)
2020 Coakley's Hardware
2019 SL Volunteer Fire Department
2018 Salon Mirage
2017 Adirondack Daily Enterprise
2016 NYS Deparment of Corrections
2015 Womens Civic Chamber
2014 Ampersound - Mark Coleman
2013 Amanda's Village Motel
2012 Hyde Fuel & Sturdy Supply
2011 John & Buffie VanAnden
2008 Sherry Knapp
2007 Ed Scharmer
2006 Sue Muzzy
2005 ARC & Les Parker
2008 Sherry Knapp
2007 Ed Scharmer
2006 Sue Muzzy
2005 ARC & Les Parker
2003 Village Workers
2002 Snap Shot Photo & Blue Moon Café
2001 Ted Morgan & WNBZ
2000 Kinney Drugs
1996 Lee Foster & Stewart's Shops
1995 Mark Weller
1994 Friends of Mt. Pisgah
The Trudeau Award
To individual(s) who best exemplify the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival spirit.
2022 Nancy Hurteau
2021 (Covid)
2020 Clyde Baker & Sue Rice
2019 Debbie Miner
2018 Eric Foster
2017 Edie Stanish
2016 Slide Show Volunteers
2015 Jeff Dickson
2014 Caroleigh Meserole & Andy Flynn
2013 Cynthia Martino
2012 JR "Mr. DJ" Owens
2011 David Watts
2010 Dale Becker
2009 Cherie Racette
2008 PSC Woodsmen
2007 Barbara Martin
2006 Milt Adams
2005 Cass Becker & Evie Field
2004 Lee Foster
2003 Jeff Whisher
2002 Nancy Pankovcin
2001 Tim Hesseltine
2000 Dean Baker
1999 Martha Dougherty
1998 Mark Kurtz
1997 Jacques DeMattos
1996 Ice Palace Workers
1995 Donna Dora
1994 Cheri Freeburg
1993 Dick May
1992 Bobbie Damp
1991 David Niederbuhl
1990 William Madden III
1989 Keela & Jim Rogers
1988 Katee Morgan Fobare
1987 Betty Dora
1986 Don Duso
1985 Garry Trudeau
1984 Sue Dyer